Fundraisers Should Not be Writing Copy. They Should be Fundraising.
Paul Hurd
Planned giving can change the world. It can change your career, too!
Paul Hurd | Influencer | Chief Philanthropy Officer, United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley

What Is Planned Giving

A planned gift is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death, as part of a donor’s overall financial and estate planning. These include gifts of equity, life insurance, real estate, personal property, or cash. Planned giving can change the world.

Weekly Tips & Assets

Advice, guidance, and more. From marketing to stewardship, time management to career development, tools and downloads, these planned giving Weekly Resources, Assets and Tips are invaluable towards building a legacy giving program. And your career!

Clever Questions Book

Questions that Unlock Planned Gifts

Only Available Through Our Weekly Assets Subscription

Compass Pointing to Vision

Endowment = Respect & Authority

An endowment makes a mighty statement.

Pocket Guide for Professional Gift Planers

Professional Gift Planners

Your back-office reference guide. For the professional gift planner.

Planned Giving Pocket Guide for Major Gifts Officers

Major Gifts Officers & Staff

(FREE) Any planned gift is a major gift. Learn the basics.

Pocket Guide for Board Members and Philanthropists

Board Members & Philanthropists

Inform your board, volunteers, and philanthropists. Non-technical.

Will Planners

Legacy Planner Logo
Making Estate Planning Accessible, Simple, Personal, Secure and FREE!

Empower your donors to plan their will and invest their legacy in the cause they support the most.

Giving Tomorrow

Gain access to exclusive tips, tricks, interviews and advice for building your nonprofit’s endowment career. It’s a key step in joining our unique network of planned giving professionals. We see things through a different lens — and soon you will, too.

A $247 value for only $59.00.

Legacy Box